Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Surf Gods are Harsh

We tried to surf today. It didn't work. The waves were strong. We were not. It is never a good day when you can't even paddle to the outside. Maybe tomorrow will be better. We will try a different spot.

We did cook our first meal in Morocco, however. Pasta with halal chicken sausage, strange zucchini, mushrooms, tomato and garlic. We also had delicious gin and tonics. There has been very little alcohol on this trip and we are happy to have a drink at the end of the day.

Holler (le suck)


  1. i just wrote a fucking long-ass comment. it was deleted and i am pissed.

    the main point, after "small talking," is that hoot and holler should stay as long as owly possible in ithaca. stay after the party too, so im not quite as bat-shit crazy.

    this comment better work. i have to get back to paper macheing my tree-creation.

  2. I think we'll be there on the 18th and leave on the 22nd.;;;;Not;;;;;the ;longe;st ;vis;it;, ;bu;t ;it w;ill have to do. ;;;E:;xcited to see you kids!
